Faculty | Staff Directory
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Name | Contact Information |
abaggett@umhb.edu 254-295-4553 UMHB Mailbox: 8014B Office: Wells 140 |
sbalboa@umhb.edu 254-295-4684 UMHB Mailbox: 8012 Office: Presser 309 |
rbalboa@umhb.edu 254-295-4681 UMHB Mailbox: 8012 Office: Presser 211 |
Baldridge, Dr. Stephen
Dean, College of Humanities and Sciences (Professor) & Interim Dean, McLane College of Business College of Humanities and Sciences Dean's Office |
sbaldridge@umhb.edu 254-295-4143 UMHB Mailbox: 8374 Office: York 107 |
Bales, Ms. Rylee
Assistant Coach, Women's Beach/Indoor Volleyball Athletics Indoor & Beach Volleyball |
rbales@umhb.edu 254-295-4840 UMHB Mailbox: 8010 Office: Mayborn 2190 |
sbarnes@umhb.edu 254-295-4562 UMHB Mailbox: 8008 Office: Heard 122 |
jbarr@umhb.edu 254-295-4144 UMHB Mailbox: 8437 Office: Mabee 315 |
Barrett, Dr. Heather
Director, Clinical Education for MSPA Program (Assistant Professor) Mayborn College of Health Sciences School of Health Professions - Master of Science in Physician Assistant Program |
hbarrett@umhb.edu 254-295-5018 UMHB Mailbox: 8402 Office: Hardy 227 |
jbatson@umhb.edu 254-295-5002 UMHB Mailbox: 8016 Office: Library 110 |
ebaumann@umhb.edu 254-295-4586 UMHB Mailbox: 8009 Office: Williams 115 |
Bedwell, Dr. Laura
Professor & Department Chair & Director, Baylorian College of Humanities and Sciences English Department |
lbedwell@umhb.edu 254-295-4564 UMHB Mailbox: 8008 Office: Heard 118 |
Benson, Dr. Sean
Professor & Frank Mayborn Chair of Arts and Sciences College of Humanities and Sciences English Department |
SBenson@umhb.edu 254-295-4694 UMHB Mailbox: 8008 Office: Heard 120 |
Bentley, Ms. Dawn
Secretary, Dean's Office Mayborn College of Health Sciences School of Exercise and Sport Science - Dean's Office |
dbentley@umhb.edu 254-295-4610 UMHB Mailbox: 8010 Office: Mayborn 2325 |
cberg@umhb.edu 254-295-4508 UMHB Mailbox: 8425 Office: Sanderford 1304 |
Bias, Dr. Joshua
Professor & Department Chair College of Humanities and Sciences Psychology Department |
jbias@umhb.edu 254-295-4941 UMHB Mailbox: 8014 Office: Wells 133A |
Blumenfeld, Ms. Kaylee
Event Services Supervisor Campus Planning and Support Services Event Services |
kblumenfeld@umhb.edu 254-295-4004 UMHB Mailbox: 8009 Office: Williams 124 |
kbodenhamer@umhb.edu 254-295-4568 UMHB Mailbox: 8422 Office: Meyer 221 |
kbond@umhb.edu 254-295-4864 UMHB Mailbox: 8023 Office: Hardy 224 |
nbonner@umhb.edu 254-295-4884 UMHB Mailbox: 8002 Office: Sanderford 2237 |
Booth, Dr. Tracy
Associate Dean, Scott & White School of Nursing (Professor) & Director Interprofessional Education (IPE) Mayborn College of Health Sciences Scott & White School of Nursing |
tracy.booth@umhb.edu 254-295-4670 UMHB Mailbox: 8015 Office: Nursing 318C |
mboquiren@umhb.edu 254-295-4658 UMHB Mailbox: 8005 Office: Sanderford 1329 |
Brabham, Dr. Brian
Associate Dean, School of Exercise and Sport Science (Professor) & Director, First Year Seminar Mayborn College of Health Sciences School of Exercise and Sport Science |
bbrabham@umhb.edu 254-295-4194 UMHB Mailbox: 8010 Office: Mayborn 2335 |
nbrace@umhb.edu 254-295-4258 UMHB Mailbox: 8011 Office: Andersen Field House 112 |
Brandenburg, Mr. Greg
Vice President for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer Information Technology |
gbrandenburg@umhb.edu 254-295-4658 UMHB Mailbox: 8005 Office: Sanderford 1326 |
Brennan, Dr. Kindyle
Professor Mayborn College of Health Sciences School of Health Professions - Doctor of Physical Therapy Program |
kbrennan@umhb.edu 254-295-4885 UMHB Mailbox: 8023 Office: Hardy 115 |
Bridges, Mr. Trent
Director, Data Quality and Institutional Analytics Information Technology Institutional Research |
tbridges@umhb.edu 254-295-4658 UMHB Mailbox: 8005 Office: Sanderford 1312 |
sbritt@umhb.edu 254-295-4944 UMHB Mailbox: 8019 Office: Bawcom 2245 |
Broome, Ms. Misty
Secretary College of Humanities and Sciences School of Natural Sciences - Associate Dean's Office |
mbroome@umhb.edu 254-295-4880 UMHB Mailbox: 8014 Office: Wells 144 |
kevin.brown@umhb.edu 254-295-4586 UMHB Mailbox: 8009 Office: Williams 120 |
lbrown@umhb.edu 254-295-4170 UMHB Mailbox: 8010 Office: Mayborn 2200 |
jbruton@umhb.edu 254-295-5431 UMHB Mailbox: 8010 Office: Mayborn 1330 |
john.bryant@umhb.edu 254-295-4298 UMHB Mailbox: 8004 Office: Sanderford 1111 |
Bucher, Ms. Danisha
Assistant Professor & Director, Master of Science in Nursing Program Mayborn College of Health Sciences Scott & White School of Nursing |
dbucher@umhb.edu 254-295-4768 UMHB Mailbox: 8015 Office: Nursing 318D |
mbuck@umhb.edu 254-295-4675 UMHB Mailbox: 8447 Office: Baugh 210 |
Bulls, Ms. Angela
Visiting Instructor and Director of the Community Life Counseling Center Mayborn College of Health Sciences School of Health Professions - Master of Arts in Counseling Program |
abulls@umhb.edu 254-295-5423 UMHB Mailbox: 8006A Office: Cru Community Clinic 123 |
nbulls@umhb.edu 254-295-4629 UMHB Mailbox: 8007 Office: Bawcom 1101 |
cburke@umhb.edu 254-295-4521 UMHB Mailbox: 8004 Office: Sanderford 1114 |
bburks@umhb.edu 254-295-4523 UMHB Mailbox: 8004 Office: Sanderford 1107 |
jburns@umhb.edu 254-295-5039 UMHB Mailbox: 8432 Office: Wells 238 |
mburns@umhb.edu 254-295-4590 UMHB Mailbox: 8019 Office: Bawcom 2241 |