Office of Kingdom Diversity

Our special guest performers for the 8th Annual Multicultural Festival include:
LeVallois Hamilton
Austin Okinawa Tomonokai
Los Folkloristas - Tierra Mestiza
Come join us! Fun awaits!!!
Our "Why"!
Office of Kingdom Diversity

Unity & Belonging
Oneness ≠ Sameness
We are One in the Lord. However, we are not all the Same. This concept is the quintessential foundation of our definitive goal to celebrate multiculturalism, egalitarianism, diversity, and unity.
The Office of Kingdom Diversity encourages you to share in our mission, which is to enhance the culture of the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor by creating a culture of belonging that holds Genesis 1:27 (Imago Dei) as its primary focus.
- So God created mankind in His own image,
in the image of God He created them;
male and female He created them.
It is on this premise that we build a connection with our students, and invite them to share the aspects of their lives that make them uniquely who they are. We endeavor to complete this mission through the nurturance of family, community, culture, faith, and love.
Office of Kingdom Diversity
Location: Bawcom Student Union • Second FloorAddress: 900 College Street, Box 8019 • Belton, TX 76513
Office Hours: M-F • 8am-5pm
Page last updated March 27, 2025