Spiritual Life Ministries
The Spiritual Life Department works to lead on-campus ministry to students that compliments the work of the local church.

UMHB33 is a men's ministry focused on developing authentic Christian manhood. Contact Logan Knous at laknous@mail.umhb.edu for more info.
Student Organizations
Several student organizations have been chartered to facilitate spiritual development, Christian service, and the integration of faith and profession.
Network of Campus Ministers
Established in Fall 2014, the Network of Campus Ministers is a coalition of leaders from local churches and parachurch organizations who focus ministry on the students of University of Mary Hardin-Baylor and whose purposes are consistent with the mission of UMHB. The group meets once per semester to conduct collaborative planning and exchange best practices for ministry. Those interested in getting more information can contact the Dean of Spiritual Life.
Page last updated January 08, 2024