Frequently Asked Questions
1. What should I do if I develop COVID-like symptoms?
2. What should I do if I test positive for COVID-19?
3. I have had close contact with someone who is confirmed positive for COVID-19. What should I do?
4. What will happen if I miss class due to illness, isolation or quarantine?
5. Will UMHB offer COVID-19 vaccines on campus?
6. May I still wear a face mask?
7. May I still maintain social distancing at UMHB?
8. What if my doctor has advised me not to get the COVID-19 vaccine because I have a high-risk medical condition? In that case, can I ask others to wear face masks and social distance?
9. I’m also a parent. What if I have child care issues that interfere with attending class or other UMHB commitments?
10. What if an outside entity requires me to observe mandatory COVID-19 protocols (e.g. testing, vaccination, face masks, etc.) as I am participating in a UMHB program?
For additional questions, contact Dr. Brandon Skaggs at or 254-295-4150.
Page last updated August 23, 2021