Welcome to Graduation Central!

The Registrar's Office congratulates you as you prepare for a new chapter in your life!
Graduation is drawing near! Have you completed everything you need in order to graduate? Not sure? Click on the links below to learn more about the processes and forms that must be completed before you can become a UMHB Cru Graduate!
- Application for Degree and Fee
- Petition to Walk Early/Late
- Commencement
- Important Dates
- Information Update Form
Important Reminders
UMHB's commencement ceremonies are held in Crusader Stadium. Other UMHB facilities or the Bell County Expo Center may serve as an alternate venue in the instance of inclement weather or scheduling conflicts with athletic events. Notifications of a venue change will be publicized as soon as one is determined via the UMHB website, Facebook pages, email, and text messaging system.
Don't forget to complete your Exit Interview with the Financial Aid Office. If you have questions regarding this, contact the Financial Aid Office at (254) 295-4517 or finaid@umhb.edu.
Contact Information
Location: Sanderford Administrative Complex
Address: 900 College Street, Box 8425 • Belton, TX 76513
registrar@umhb.edu • Phone: (254) 295-4510
Page last updated September 21, 2023